
番茄钟的设计与实现。design of tomato-clock

domain entities


  • duration
  • default duration
  • name


  • isRunning
  • shouldLoop

counter has one or more countdown-periods


resume and pause

  1. this event is captured
  2. no business rules
  3. isRunning = !isRunning
  4. no output

set duration of a countdown-period

  1. this event is captured
  2. business rules
    • 1 <= duration <= 60
  3. depends on isRunning
    1. if isRunning == true, do nothing
    2. set the specified countdown-period’s duration.
  4. no output


  1. execute every 1 second
  2. depends on isRunning
    1. if isRunning == true, increase internal counter by one
    2. otherwise, do nothing
  3. no output


  1. this event is captured
  2. no business rules
  3. restore initial state
    1. isRunning = false
    2. for every countdown-period, duration = default duration


countdown-period repository

It is a sequence of countdown-period.

This class provides a factory methodfromArray(periods: CountDownPeriod[]).

It provides whichDuration(time: number): CountDownPeriod which throws NoDurations if sequence is empty. If time is bigger than the sum of durations of all periods, it overflows. It throws InvalidTimeValue if time is negative.


This is a simple value entity representing basic information of periods. Instances are mutated by setDuration(duration: number) and reset. Constructor are fairly simple: ctor(name: string, defaultDuration: number). duration is exposed as public attribute.


public state

  • readonly time: integer the number of seconds elapsed with isRunning being true since this instance is created.


  • reset(): call stop(), then set time to 0.
  • start(): set isRunning to true, id = setTimeout(()=>{...}, 1000).
  • stop(): set isRunning to false, clearTimeout(id).


this entity handles aforementioned events.

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