rg 基础。rg 101
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS search PATTERN in files but exclude files whose path matches EXCLUDE_PATH_PATTERN ! means exclude, -g option expects GLOB not regex. $ rg hello -g !*node_modules*
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS search PATTERN in files but exclude files whose path matches EXCLUDE_PATH_PATTERN ! means exclude, -g option expects GLOB not regex. $ rg hello -g !*node_modules*
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS overview of untracked files and changed files > git status --branch --short ## main...origin/main M 2024-05-10-git-101.md ?? bb overview of staged changes > g...
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS 线程和锁 使用锁元语来完成并发程序的同步和互斥需求,很容易出错,不讨论了。 函数式编程 用不可变的状态,其他的跟下面的CSP 几乎一模一样,不讨论了。 Clojure 都是语言特性,不讨论了 Actor actor 是一种由运行时维护的实体,actor 之间可以发送消息,消息是一种不可变的数据类型,被抽象为元组,消息的递送...
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS TODO: add simple examples for covered approaches 少做工 更优算法 领域知识 last N digits of fibonacci sequence is cyclic, thus one can calculate last N digits of the xth numb...
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS 你说一下深拷贝和浅拷贝 深浅拷贝的概念在有运行时自动内存空间管理的编程语言中是常见的概念。 The deep copy algorithm Deep copying is naturally recursive. In lodash, the recurse entry is at a baseClone function and...
lorem ipsum but it’s picture https://placehold.co/600x400/orange/blue copy a directory and its git history This article outlines the cherry-picking approach. Create a new git repo, git ini...
THIS IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS This post will be a summary of programming assignments of this free course on edx. These programming assignments builds a compiler for the COOL programming. This languag...
if statements Wrap boolean expressions with [ ]. Use (( )) and == to compare numbers. Use = to compare strings. There must be a space after [ of (( and before ] or )). if echo "$str" | grep -q ...
THIS IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS This free online course explains inner-workings of various distributed systems. Frangipani Frangipani implements a shard storage among computers. There is Frangipani s...
本文大致摘要了由 Chad Birch 撰写的这篇文章 在这里游玩经典的 Pacman 游戏 游戏中有四种颜色的反派它们都具有非常突出的个性,读者可在上面的链接中体验。 八十年代的开发者们是如何给它们赋予个性的呢? 该游戏在一固定的迷宫地图中进行,只考虑角色的移动时,地图可用正方形网格建模。各个角色只能沿着 迷宫的路做上下左右四个方向的移动。 反派们是如和决定自己的行动轨迹的呢? ...